Miy experience writing blogs

My experience doing the blogs was quite good, it is entertaining to make them and according to me it is an entertaining way to apply and study English.
The truth is that it has not been made very easy for me, for it is quite a challenge, since from the beginning I am not very creative, and then I already had an idea in mind it was difficult to write it but if it is in English, That’s why it always took me longer than we were given in classes and I had to get to my house and finish them in the end.
The idea of blogs I feel is super good because it serves us to practice and thus integrate more words into our vocabulary, words that we can use in everyday life, since the themes of blogs were very everyday, I also feel that it is entertaining to read what other colleagues thought about certain subjects or to read about their experiences, I feel that this serves so that we can get to know each other better.
On the other hand I feel that writing blogs made us disconnect for a while from the subjects of the university and that is good since the university happens to occupy almost one hundred percent of our time.
The truth is that it was a very good experience, a bit difficult for me, but entertaining.


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Dr. Luis Ciocca
