For the free theme, I chose to talk about tco.
Trabajos Comunitarios de Odontología (TCO): La salud como estado comunitarioTco are the community works of the faculty, I chose this topic because participating in them was a very nice experience, in which many people are helped who do not have the resources to attend, helps a lot to know more about the career and meet and work with your colleagues.
When I started to study Dentistry they told me about tco and that it was very good those of us who were just starting to study because it was a way of seeing the work of the dentist up close and this was the first reason why I was encouraged to participate. We signed up with some friends and in January we went to Romeral, the first day was strange because we were a little lost, but after the training we understood everything better.
Trabajos Comunitarios de Odontología (TCO): La salud como estado comunitario
In tco you can get different jobs such as hygiene instruction, workshops, preclinical, taking surveys, cleaning, sterilization, reception, among others and the idea is that you go through everyone. And it was in a turn of taking surveys that I understood the important work that was being done, all the people expressed their appreciation for the work that we did and that some of them had been waiting for a long time to be able to attend. This was very comforting to me. In a preclinical in which there was not much to do, they let me put sealants and make an "destartraje" that was something I never imagined because it was my first year of study.
I fully recommend participating in tco, I think it teaches us to see dentistry in a different way. In a more humane way !!


  1. Hi! it was really interesting reading your blog, I would like to join TCO sometime and your perspective helped me a lot to know more about this experience. Thank you!!

  2. What a lovely and interesting entry Catalina. TCO's seems to be a tremendous initiative which involves commitment and dedication. I hope you can continue with this marvellous work and get more students enrolled over the years. Nice entry!


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