
Postgraduates Studies

The truth is that I do not think much about what specialty I would like to do, I am in my second year of career, so I have a few years left to decide if I specialize and what it could be. For now my priority is to finish my career, this is my first goal and when I finish it I would like to work for a while and from today until that happens my tastes can change a lot. When I entered university, the first specialty that caught my attention was maxillofacial surgery, and then over time, pediatric dentistry and legal dentistry called my attention, that's why I say that my decision may change over time, but I will base myself on what I draws attention right now. Pediatric dentistry is the specialty of dentistry that deals with the health of children and adolescents, I like it because I would love to work with children, I know that it is not easy and that it can be stressful, but I think that I could cope, dentistry Legal, on the other side, is the branch of dentistry that is b


For the free theme, I chose to talk about tco. Tco are the community works of the faculty, I chose this topic because participating in them was a very nice experience, in which many people are helped who do not have the resources to attend, helps a lot to know more about the career and meet and work with your colleagues. When I started to study Dentistry they told me about tco and that it was very good those of us who were just starting to study because it was a way of seeing the work of the dentist up close and this was the first reason why I was encouraged to participate. We signed up with some friends and in January we went to Romeral, the first day was strange because we were a little lost, but after the training we understood everything better. In tco you can get different jobs such as hygiene instruction, workshops, preclinical, taking surveys, cleaning, sterilization, reception, among others and the idea is that you go through everyone. And it was in a turn of taking su

The best vacation ever!

The best vacation ever! When I think about the best holidays I have had, many memories come to mind, as all holidays are full of anecdotes and good times. But there are certainly some that I will always have in my memory. It was years ago I was about 11 years old, my dad for his work could never take so many vacation days, but that year was different. At the time of planning the holidays, my parents thought we should take advantage of this and they rented a house in "Alagarrobo" for 2 weeks, it was a big house, with lots of rooms near a river, it was beautiful! And because the house was big and we in my family are only four my parents invited my grandmothers and my cousins. The only problem with this is that we couldn’t all fit in the car so my dad the day after he arrived had to come to Santiago to look for my cousins and my paternal grandmother and also they would have to be returned earlier for this very reason.  My dad woke up early to go pick up my cousins and so co


Choosing a place I would like to visit is difficult for me as one of my dreams is to travel to many parts of the world so it is difficult to choose just one. While I would love to see Europe, I chose Hawaii as it is one of the places that has more to do with my tastes, since I don’t like the cold and in Hawaii the climate is warm tropical and also because of its beaches I love the sea! I like to bathe in it and admire the  landscapes it provides. Hawaii is one of the states that are part of the United States and its capital is Honolulu. It presents diverse American and Asian influences, along with its native culture. And this is one of the things that strikes me the most, I would love to know its culture full of fascinating customs, music, dances, legends, traditions and values. I would like to be able to witness the Hawaiian dance "the hula" where women and men dance for fun, to express themselves along with drums and other percussion elements.

Miy experience writing blogs

My experience doing the blogs was quite good, it is entertaining to make them and according to me it is an entertaining way to apply and study English. The truth is that it has not been made very easy for me, for it is quite a challenge, since from the beginning I am not very creative, and then I already had an idea in mind it was difficult to write it but if it is in English, That’s why it always took me longer than we were given in classes and I had to get to my house and finish them in the end. The idea of blogs I feel is super good because it serves us to practice and thus integrate more words into our vocabulary, words that we can use in everyday life, since the themes of blogs were very everyday, I also feel that it is entertaining to read what other colleagues thought about certain subjects or to read about their experiences, I feel that this serves so that we can get to know each other better. On the other hand I feel that writing blogs made us disconnect for a while fr

Disturbances in the feeding

Eating disorders are serious conditions that are related to eating behaviors that negatively affect health, emotions, and the ability to perform in important areas of life. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and compulsive eating disorder. Most eating disorders are characterized by excessive attention to weight, body figure and food, leading to dangerous eating behaviours. These behaviors can have a significant impact on the body’s ability to get proper nutrition. Eating disorders can cause damage to the heart, digestive system, bones, teeth, and mouth, and bypass. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes eating disorders. A person who has an eating disorder may feel stressed or upset about something in his or her life. He or she may feel the need to be perfect or "in control." Some people may be reacting to the way their body changes during puberty. Society and images in the media also put a lot of pressure on people to be thin. This pres

My favorite subject

This semester I have two favorite subjects, very different from each other. One is Anatomy and the other is Anthropology.  Anatomy is interesting because she studied the human body (muscles, organs, arteries, veins, nerves and bones) and in the practical steps we working whit real human body. And Anthropology it`s based on the dentistry in the community. Teaches us about how can we be integral professionals. Anatomy I liked because is interesting study our body, and I this semester I had to repeat the subject so I understood it better and I learned to love it. I liked Anthropology because it gives another meaning to dentistry and not the classic dentist. In Anatomy I learned very names of parts of bones, the travel of the arteries and veins, the muscles that are innervated  by each nerve and almost all the muscles and bones of body. And in Anthropology I learned about integrative medicine, the history of cavities, compassion in clinical practice and the treatment of pain.